My Track Record
Leading with a calm, cool head - even in challenging times
The COVID pandemic has dominated more than two of the three years that I’ve been Mayor. I’ve worked hard to guide the city through this difficult period - supporting our communities and helping local businesses deal with the health and economic impacts.
Key Achievements
Provided rates freezes, rent concessions and community and business support worth $4.3 million in 2020 and 2021 to help the Hobart community get through the pandemic
Delivered a budget surplus in 2021 rather than the forecast deficit through careful budget management
Securing Hobart-specific solutions
As Mayor, I’ve worked with key partners to solve problems and negotiate solutions for our city.
Key Achievements
Pushed for a stronger focus to be put on improving public transport and affordable housing before signing the Hobart City Deal
Established the Greater Hobart Mayors Forum to improve coordination and cooperation between the Metro City Councils
Achieved a Tasmanian first partnership with the State Government to develop a strategic master plan for Central Hobart
Negotiated for the UTAS to pay rates for their new CBD properties - even though by law they are not required to
Created a Greater Hobart Homelessness Alliance to secure additional funding for housing and homelessness facilities, including the Safe Night Space
Led the implementation of a new operating model for the Taste of Tasmania which reduces the financial burden on Hobart ratepayers
Wins for sensible city development
I support respectful development that’s sensitive to Hobart’s distinctive character and provides community benefit. In 2019 – 2021, the City approved 2130 planning permits for developments worth $800 million.
Key Achievements
All social and community housing project applications have been approved in the last 3 years, adding much needed new affordable housing stock in central Hobart
More CBD apartments have been approved by this Council than ever before - a clear sign that council is actively promoting inner city living
I’ve led moves to reform the state government’s visitor accommodation rules to stem the loss of private rental stock
I voted to protect kunanyi/Mount Wellington from a damaging cable car proposal, while advocating for alternatives including an all-weather shuttle bus for the mountain and a visitor hub at Halls Saddle
I’ve been a champion for CBD building height rules for a number of years and consistently vote in favour of projects that don’t breach reasonable height and design standards
I advocated for the Urban Design Panel to have a stronger role in large developments and re-launched the heritage grants program after a hiatus of 8 years
A cleaner, greener, more accessible city
One of my priorities over the last three years has been to support environmental and sustainability initiatives in the city, including better public transport.
Key Achievements
I’ve been a strong advocate for ferries on the Derwent, including Councils initiative to support a Saturday summer service. I’ve also advocated for development of light rail to the northern suburbs and greater investment by the state government into public transport
Advocated for more cycling paths and pedestrian crossings
Launched Hobart’s first Street Tree Strategy which has seen 4 times the number of new street trees being planted than before the strategy
Invited the public to nominate listings on the Significant Trees Register, which saw more than 700 trees given recognition and protection since the policy was introduced
Introduced a Food and Organic Waste collection service for Hobart residents and launched a by-law to ban single-use plastic take-away utensils and containers
Championed bee-friendly rules for urban beekeeping; supported platypus conservation projects, a network of new water refill stations and a campaign to reduce plastic water bottles
Advocated for new parks projects including the Max’s Infinity Loop on the Queens Domain, restoration of the Exhibition Gardens track at the Springs, and a playground at Tolmans Hill
Climate action
Climate change is our single biggest challenge - but also an enormous opportunity.
Key Achievements
Policy leadership to divest Council funds out of banks with fossil fuel investments, to declare a climate emergency, and support a net zero by 2030 target
Launching the Sustainable Hobart Action Plan
I’ve collaborated with scientists and bushfire experts to understand and improve our responsiveness to the risk of bushfire. I’ve advocated for a bigger budget for fuel breaks, fire trails and community education. I have also pushed for a publicly transparent Evacuation Plan for Hobart and for the development of ember attack strategy and programs for Hobart residents
Progressive leadership
I am proud to be a progressive Mayor who values innovative ideas and inclusivity.
Key Achievements
Launching Hobart’s first Aboriginal Commitment and Action Plan
Establishing the Crowther Reinterpretation Project to tell the truth of our history
Leading a national campaign on capital city homelessness as Chair of the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors in 2019
My appointment as the Oceania representative to the Global Board of the Mayors for Climate (GCoM)
Undertaking work to reform and modernise council culture, including: turning a private Mayoral room into a public reading room; more visible advertising of major development applications; recruiting Council’s first female CEO; introducing Elected Member Dispute Resolution procedures; and selling the Lord Mayor’s chauffeur-driven car
Open, transparent communication with the community
I’ve written and published more than 56 email newsletters since I was elected to Council, providing residents with a clear understanding of how I vote and what I do in my role.
Key Achievements
Initiated Lord Mayor’s Annual Reports to outline the work I do to meet my civic duties as Mayor
Met with hundreds of residents at 127 “Mayor in the Chair” sessions held over the last 3 years
Run 52 School Tours over the last 3 years for Hobart children to learn about the history of Town Hall and Local Government, and initiated the Children’s Mayor program
Safer streets and neighbourhoods
Important investment in our suburban streets to make them better places for the community.
Key Achievements
I initiated a program to upgrade our neighbourhood streets – including major upgrades for Lenah Valley (completed in 2019) and Newtown (to start in 2022), as well as pedestrian crossing and traffic calming improvements in South Hobart and West Hobart
Speed limits reduced to 40km/h for all busy precincts to bring Hobart into line with national standards, reduce congestion and improve safety